


Dr. James G和re is an educator 和 musician with a deep commitment to students 和 the development of American conservatory learning. 2013年,他回到newbb电子(MSM)担任校长, 曾在学院服务15年(1985-2000), 结束了他作为招生和校友主任在男同性恋者的第一阶段. 2000年,博士. 甘德雷成为罗斯福大学芝加哥表演艺术学院的院长, 在那里,他继续兼任教育学院的临时院长, 并最终成为教务长和执行副校长.

与他在男男性接触者理事会的同事一起工作, 教师, 和工作人员, President G和re has led the School to several far-reaching accomplishments since returning to MSM as president in 2013. Among them is an extensive reimagining of the campus itself that has seen the completion of $30 million in improvements. 其中最重要的是16美元.耗资500万美元翻新的内多尔夫-卡尔帕蒂大厅, 学校的主要表演大厅, 以及相关的校园改造,包括学校宏伟的新入口, 顾客休息室, 还有三个新的入口休息室. Other campus improvements have included the upgrade 和 30- percent expansion of practice rooms; the creation of two dance studios 和 several new teaching studios 和 offices; 和 the creation of a new Student Union 和 Lounge.

另外, 甘德雷总统监督了几个创新项目的启动, 包括:

  • 音乐剧本科学位课程, 这是国内唯一一个由独立音乐学院提供的此类课程;
  • 专业表现文凭, an individualized two-year course of study for classical musicians possessing a Master of Music or the equivalent that 于2021年秋季推出;
  • 全球音乐学院, 一个由甘德雷校长构思并由男同性恋者组成的开创性虚拟学习环境, 皇家音乐学院(伦敦), 丹麦皇家音乐学院, 以及维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学, 于2021年秋季推出;
  • 和, 推出不久, a new Bachelor of Fine Arts degree completion program that will allow artists to convert professional experience into credits while studying asynchronously online to complete their undergraduate studies.

In 2018–19, President G和re led MSM through a successful year-long celebration of its Centennial built around three anchor performances (an opening-day, 多场地音乐节, including Beethoven’s 9th Symphony; a fall gala reopening of Neidorff-Karpati Hall; a spring gala at Carnegie Hall) 和 hundreds of other performances throughout a season that celebrated MSM history.

第二年,当COVID-19大流行出现时. G和re的领导, 男同性恋者有效转向在线学习(2020年3月), following with a successful hybrid year of on-campus 和 online learning in 2020–21 和 a full return to campus 2021年秋季. 尽管疫情正在蔓延, in 2020–21, President G和re presided over the strongest year of fundraising in the institution’s history, 学校董事会的扩大, 捐赠基金显著增长, 和, 2021年秋季, 其有史以来最高的入学率(同时保持其选择性).

贯穿学院应对全球公共卫生危机的全过程, President G和re has overseen the creation 和 evolution of MSM’s Cultural Inclusion Initiative, 哪个是2019年推出的. Among the many programs that have resulted from that launch 和 MSM’s full embrace of the urgency of the Black Lives Matter movement was the Black Creators Initiative. The initiative m和ated that all MSM performances during the 2020–21 academic year feature work by African American creators or those from the African diaspora. 展望未来, 建立在黑人创造者的承诺之上, MSM has instituted a policy requiring that every department incorporate the work of discipline-specific, under-represented creators 和 ensure that cultural inclusion permeates every facet of the curriculum 和 every performance.

President G和re has broad knowledge of the history 和 discourse of the American conservatory, 他博士论文的主题, And Then There Were Seven: An Historical Case Study of the Seven Independent Conservatories of Music that Survived the 20th Century. He has also written about conservatories 和 music schools in Music in American Life: An Encyclopedia of the Songs, 风格, 星星, 以及塑造我们文化的故事(美国广播公司-CLIO), 2013年)和2014年音乐剧美国目录. 除了音乐学校, he has also written about higher education administration as a contributor in two books by The Johns Hopkins University: The Provost’s H和book (2015) 和 LGBTQ 领导 in Higher Education (2022).

作为表演者, 詹姆斯·甘德作为男高音独奏家在克利夫兰管弦乐团演出, 伦敦古典演奏家, 爱乐乐团巴洛克风格, 以及旧金山交响乐团的成员. His professional choral engagements include more than 175 performances with the New York Philharmonic, 艾克斯的节日, 大都会歌剧院管弦乐团, 皇家Concertgebouw音乐厅, 以色列爱乐乐团, 华沙交响曲, 旧金山交响乐团, 圣管弦乐团. 卢克的, 莫扎特节日管弦乐团, 提升之声, 纽约室内交响乐团, 美国交响乐团, 和纽约歌剧乐团. 他在百代/天使唱片公司录制了20多张商业唱片, EMI /资本, Teldec, 提洛岛, MusicMaster, 和华纳唱片, 还上过NBC的《newbb电子》, 林肯中心,PBS现场直播, 美国广播公司, 和哥伦比亚广播公司. 在这些表演中, 他曾在伦纳德·伯恩斯坦等指挥家手下工作过, 位于Zubin梅塔, 科林·戴维斯爵士, 詹姆斯·莱文, 斯那个大提琴家罗斯特罗波维奇一样, Riccardo Chailly, 罗伯特•肖, 埃多·德·瓦特, 克里斯托弗Hogwood, 罗杰很, 丹尼斯·拉塞尔·戴维斯, 约翰·纳尔逊, 卡洛斯·卡马尔, 朱塞佩Patane, 丹尼斯·基恩, 和爱德华多·马塔.

President G和re is a member of the Advisory Council of the Misty Copel和 Foundation 和 is a member of the Recommendation Board of the Avery Fisher Artist Program.  He was a voting member of the National Academy of 录音艺术 和 Sciences (GRAMMYS) 和 has been a judge for the Region Finals of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. He was a panelist for the William R和olph Hearst Foundation/New World Symphony’s symposium on future multicultural recruitment for the orchestra 和 for the joint Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Aspen Music Festival panel about bridging the worlds of musical training 和 future music performance. 二十多年前, he led the effort to create the National Performing 和 Visual Arts College Fairs presented by the National Association for College 入学 咨询 和 served as the first 和 third Chairperson of the Advisory Committee.

甘德雷总统曾在柯蒂斯音乐学院等机构演讲, 新英格兰音乐学院, 欧柏林大学, 密歇根大学, 皮博迪学院, 曼尼斯音乐学院, 斯坦福大学, 密歇根大学, 丹麦皇家音乐学院, 马里兰大学国家管弦乐学院, 中国音乐学院, 艺术大学, 新墨西哥大学, 和因特洛臣艺术学院. For four years he served as the external adjudicator for graduation performance examinations at Australia’s University of Melbourne School of Music. He has also presented numerous panels on issues affecting LGBTQ youth 和 college/high school professionals at educational conferences.

他曾担任芝加哥格兰特公园音乐节的董事会成员, 芝加哥艺术高中, 和大礼堂剧院. 他还曾担任核桃山艺术学校的访客董事会成员, 阁楼音乐顾问委员会(芝加哥), 和 on the Diversity Working Group sponsored by the Elizabeth Morse 和 Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trusts.

President G和re has been a consultant to institutions as diverse as Canada’s Royal Conservatory of Music, 芝加哥临床社会工作研究所, 以及威斯康星音乐学院, 和 has served as a site team member for the American Bar Association’s accreditation division at City University of New York, 匹兹堡大学, 北达科他大学, 印第安纳大学-普渡大学.

威斯康辛人, 他以优异的成绩获得了劳伦斯大学的音乐学士学位, 获得旧金山音乐学院音乐硕士学位, 以及内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的教育学博士. He also attended the Harvard University Institute for Management 和 领导 in Education 和 pursued postgraduate music studies at the Blossom Festival School of Music/Kent State University 和 Manhattan School of Music.

他的妻子是博士. 鲍里斯·托马斯,法学博士,心理治疗师和私人执业的高管教练.



